If your child’s youth sports organization is requiring participation in Iceberg Edge:
- Parents: you must take ONE course per year (or season) until the program is completed.
- Coaches: you must finish the 60-minute coaching training.
Software automatically tracks the lessons viewed for each course.
Organizations will run a “participation report” that includes the names and email addresses of parents & coaches who have completed a course, along with the date of each course completion.
Course 1: The Game Day Edge
- The Pressuring Spectrum: Are You Unknowingly Pressuring Your Athlete?
- Beyond Winning: Uncovering What Makes Sports Fun
- Pre-Competition: Building a Pre-Game Routine & Managing Nerves
- During Competition: Champion Your Role
- Post-Competition: Transforming the Car Ride Home
- Post-Competition: Mastering the Post-Game Talk
Course 2: The Strategic Edge
- Athletic Scholarships: Uncovering the Truths About College Sports
- Sports Specialization: Risks, Rewards, & Realities
- Player Development: What Every Sports Parent Needs to Know
- Controllable Goals: How to Reduce Pressure on Your Youth Athlete
- At-Home Practice: Help Your Athlete Build Their Skills Without Straining Your Relationship
- Sleep: The Secret to Peak Performance & Injury Prevention
- Playing Time: The Most Heated Issue in Youth Sports
Course 3: The Mental Edge
- Mindset Matters: How Your Athlete’s Beliefs Drive Their Success
- Confidence: Help Your Athlete Build Self-Belief
- Mental Toughness: Help Your Athlete Handle Challenges & Adversity
- Peak Performance: Help Your Athlete Consistently Play Their Best
- Performance Tools: Help Your Athlete Manage Mistakes & Negative Self-Talk
Course 4: Coaching Excellence – Available Q4 2025
Parents: You must take ONE COURSE per year (or season) until you finish the program. You’re also encouraged to take the coaching course to gain insights into the methods and principles your athlete’s coach will use.
Coaches: You are required to complete the coaching course.